Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the cat's in the cradle

i've always really thought zane was the most like me.  he talks like me, he's helpful like me, and he's compassionate like me.

this week, a second stray cat appeared IN our house.  not just on the front porch.  this little guy was actually IN the house.  he's a little grey baby, and he's so sweet.  i discovered him on sunday night snuggled up next to zane in his bed.  and since it was midnight, i couldn't just throw the little guy out on the streets. right?

zane with october
in september, the same thing happened.  an orange tabby appeared and just walked in the house with us one evening.  he immediately loved zane too.  he watches out the window for the bus every afternoon, and this guy lets zane carry him around like a baby.  zane named him "october" because of his coloring. 

so this week, we've have "shadow" living with us.  john most definitely does not want another cat.  the litter boxes are unbearable as it is, so i hate to force another cat on him.  plus, it's just weird to have 3 cats. i think it is anyway. right?

but i just can't bear to send him back out in the wild.  clearly, this is my mom & dad's fault.  right? they must have over taught compassion to me.  it should be noted that all of my cats have been strays.  hannah, my first cat, came to me during college.  i found her under a car, and i couldn't just leave her there. ;)

zane is so worried about the new little cat.  he's worried that john will throw him out.  he's pretty sure that i won't, but john could go either way.  zane tries to keep shadow hidden - i think he's hoping john will forget he's here. he's been making sure their food and water is full.  he's even cleaning up the water messes that october makes by dumping the water bowl.  i keep waiting for him to clean the litter box, but no such luck luck.

shadow watching tv
tonight, we had a scare with october and shadow though.  they disappeared. 

zane came home from school & was devastated.  i actually thought he might cry.  the kid launched an amber alert for these two.  he was outside looking everywhere he could think, and he was just really upset that they were gone.  (admittedly, i was slightly upset too)  and then, we heard them...  they were stuck in the basement.  zane couldn't stop hugging them when he found them - he was like a mama reuniting with her babies (except that he's a boy).

now he's got 2 cats following him around like he's a can of tuna.  he's feeding them and giving them water.  he shares his bed. he strokes their backs.  he loves them and wants them to be happy.  it's really a beautiful thing to watch.
shadow making himself comfortable

zane has definitely acquired one of my favorite traits of myself - compassion.  although, i suppose when we have 42 cats living here and are featured on the show "animal hoarders," perhaps that won't be a good thing.  but for now, i am happy that i taught compassion to zane. with more compassion in it, the world can only get better.  i have a feeling john quietly taught this as well - i just found him watching tv with shadow lying on his arm...


  1. How sweet... It is awesome when we see the good parts of ourselves in our kids..

  2. Cats rock! I doubt you will end up with more cats. When you have 6, it's hard to give them all the love and attention they deserve.
